Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jessey's turns 8

Well I'm a little behind but I'll get there....Jessey's birthday was October 29th and she turned the big 08.    For some reason she keeps growing up without my permission, I don't understand!  Not only did Jess turn 8 but she also got baptized as well.   I never imagined how bitter sweet this would feel.  I am very proud of her and her choices, but that means I'm getting old!  Yes, I said it OLD.  You don't believe me?  I have the wrinkles and lines to prove it.  Anyway, when I was uploading my pictures I did them out of order....(not exactly my fault, blogger changed their format and now loads them differently) 

These two pics are proof that my rules don't seem to apply when I'm out on a date night with Michael.
Rule #1 NO pets on the beds....let alone MY bed!
Rule # 2
The girls need to go to bed in their OWN bed, not mine!  We've come home many times to find them all asleep in our bed.  It's so hard to get them OUT!

So these next few picture are of Halloween!!  It was fabulous!  I love this time a year with all the beautiful colors and and the cool air.  For the past 4 years we have started a new tradition with Halloween and ALL the candy that the kids bring home from trick or treating.  So each child is allowed to keep 5 of their favorite treats and then we pile everything thats left over into a sack and give it to the "Halloween Witch"  The witch comes in the middle of the night and takes that sack of candy and in return she gives each child a little toy or something.  It's amazing how easy it is for the girls to give up the candy for a toy.  But I'm not complaining ;)

Finally we get to Jessey and her Baptism (out of order of course).  It was such a wonderful day.  We had all our family up to celebrate with us.  It was also FREEZING cold, but that never stops the cousins from playing soccer!  Below are some pictures from Jessey's special day :)

For Jessey's birthday we had play off tickets for REAL Salt Lake soccer.  Jessey wasn't sure she wanted to go to a soccer game on HER birthday.  But she ended up LOVING it!!  Plus as an added bonus REAL won!

We LOVE you Jessey and hope you had wonderful birthday!

1 comment:

Tebbs Family said...

Wow! They're all baptized!! You know marriage is just around the corner, right?! (Love the photo with the pets on the bed--just give it up and let them own it... they will eventually anyway :)