Monday, May 25, 2009

Speed Stackers times two!

Not to brag but, we have some serious "speed stacker" talent in our family :)  Morgan was also picked from the third grade classes to go compete at the Weber County Fairgrounds for the ultimate SS bragging rights competition.  This is how it works.......there were about 6 or 7 different schools and each grade (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th) had four members to make a team.  Each person on the team had a turn to do 3-6-3 stack and run back to the starting line, like a relay.  Which ever team was the fastest won.  Taylar's 6th grade team took first and Morgan's 3rd grade team took second!  Not bad huh?  Watch out for Taylar and Morgan....they have all the bragging rights now!  BOO-YA!  In your FACE!


Tebbs Family said...

Congrats Taylar and Morgan!!! I'm sure there's some money when you hit the international circuit that you can share with your parents...

Ferguson Family said...

That is way cool! Congrats. It looked like your hands were going so fast you couldn't even see them. That's a cool talent.

K.Booth said...

You girls rocked, I was there live to see you in action!! I still think the times got mixed up on the third grade ss. Valley was definately the fastest!!